1T have made the most of the glorious sunshine and headed outside armed with water and paintbrushes to practise our joined up handwriting on the floor. Our letters were drying too quickly!
1T have brought their 'Holidays' topic to an end by using collage to create a seaside picture. We all had great fun!!
During the last week of term, Year 1 will be taking part in our end of year picnic and celebration. Each year group performs a song to celebrate something that has happened throughout the year or representing one of the Godwin values. This year we have chosen to sing 'Get back up again' by Anna Kendrick (from the Trolls movie, see video below) as its' message is very fitting with our resilience value, hopefully something that you have noticed has been instilled in your child this year.
Please practise this song as often as possible with them (starting from 27 seconds). The lyrics aren't too difficult, however it is a very fast paced song. Enjoy!
We used this in class today to revise doubling numbers to 20. The children had forgotten about doubling so any extra work at home on this would be greatly appreciated.
This afternoon, all of Year 1 headed to the airport ready to jet off to Mexico. Before we could board the plane we had our passports and boarding passes checked and stamped by Mrs Turner. We were welcomed onto the flight by our air stewardess Miss Henry. We stowed our luggage, buckled up and watched an in-flight safety video before we were served our in-flight meal by Mrs Spicer and Mrs Uddin. Today's in-flight entertainment was 'Horrid Henry'. Once we arrived, we were free to go and explore Mexico and the delights it offered us. To cool off, everybody enjoyed an ice lolly. Look at how much fun we all had. What a busy holiday!!!
Really useful to help little ones get their heads around how a split digraph works!
Today we have introduced the concept of money with the children. We talked about bartering and trading before money had even been invented and then how different countries had different currencies. We started by exploring the British currency and looking closely at the coin and note denominations. We had to identify the coins from a jumbled bag and discussed what was similar and different about each coin; including size, colour, shape and material used. We also discussed how 'p' came after the value, e.g 10p but the '£' came before, e.g £5. Please continue to explore money with your child at home.
A money song about UK coins for young children. Covers 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
Ordering the months of the year is an end of Year 1 expectation. We have worked on this over our last two maths lessons, as well as the days of the week (video already attached to page further down).
Your children have learnt all about St.George and his fight with the deadly dragon today. Thought they might enjoy this Lego animation version of the story.
This video is useful to consolidate the children's understanding of what capacity is.
This morning 1T made some delicious Easter chocolate crispy cakes. We showed great team work and had to use the equipment well. We scooped, stirred, counted and decorated. Our delicious treats will be coming home with us tonight.
This morning we had some very brave contestants in 1T's GGT auditions. We saw some fabulous singing, dancing, hula hooping and drum playing. The audience were very impressed!! And our winner was...EVELYN with her singing and dancing to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling'. This afternoon she will go up against the winners from 1C and 1H to decide who will represent Year 1 in Wednesday's show. Here we all are sharing our talents.
I'm sure you will agree that all of the children performed absolutely brilliantly during our space exhibition on Thursday. We hope you enjoyed looking at their showcased work as well. In case you missed it...
This week 1T have been continuing to learn all about weight. We have been weighing objects to decide which is heavier and which is lighter. We even estimated how many cubes it would take to balance an object. We knew this had happened when the two scales were equal. Look how well we used the equipment.
Today, the third member of 1T was awarded gold for being a consistently fantastic role model to her peers. Great job!!
A huge congratulations to Amira and Mary who are the first two members of 1T to have reached 20 stickers on our reading rocket and have therefore earned their second prize. Well done girls! Who will be next?
Today, we learnt all about Neil Armstrong taking his first steps on the moon. We learnt some facts about his life that we would love to share with you at our exhibition on the 22nd March.
Please practise this song with us to help us learn key facts about each planet.
The book Mrs Turner shared with nearly 50 Yr1 and 2's this afternoon...you may have heard the laughter from at home!
This book looks serious but is actually COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS! If a kid is trying to make you read this book, the kid is playing a trick on you. You will end up saying SILLY THINGS and making everybody LAUGH AND LAUGH! Don't say I didn't warn you. ...
Today, we have introduced the children to our next IPC topic of SPACE. We talked about what the children thought they already knew and anything they would like to know by the end of the unit. To get the children excited about this topic we watched a space animation and took part in a space galactic colouring competition. If you would like to support your child's understanding of this topic or send things in for us to share with the children, I would be most grateful. Let's hope they love it as much as they loved the Great Fire of London unit.
We have introduced the concept of 'time' with the children this week and it seems to be something they are really struggling with. As well as being able to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour on an analogue clock, the children also need to begin to understand about time on a much bigger scale- how many hours in a day, days of the week, months of the year etc, as well as be familiar with terms such as 'midnight, midday, noon, morning, afternoon and evening'. A good way into this is to frequently discuss 'How many days until...?', 'Let's see how many months it is until your birthday' or 'What shall we do this afternoon?' etc. Many of the children did not know when their birthdays were when we discussed it in class yesterday or how old they would be on their next birthday.Any extra help you can offer your child with this at home would be greatly appreciated.
A huge well done to Sebi, who is the second member of 1T to earn a gold award and will be invited to Mrs Phillips' golden tea party at Easter.
What a fabulous role model you are Sebi!
We have been practising counting backwards from any given number today. Listen with us and see how we get on.
It is vital that all the children know the days of the week by the end of year 1, the order in which they come and how to spell them. This might be a good way to start this learning with your child at home. We have used this in school together.
This is the introductory video that we used with the children today to highlight 'Safer Internet Day 2018'. Please take time to watch this again with your child and discuss any issues as necessary.
Last Thursday Year 1 decided to end their topic with a 'Great Fire of London' day. We enjoyed working in pairs to write newspaper articles, enjoyed a drama session with a visitor and were invited to Samuel Pepys' cheese and wine party.
Today, we began looking at repeating patterns. We talked about how patterns can be made by colours, shapes, numbers, letters, anything really! Please look for as many repeating patterns as you can and point them out to your child. Here is a song to help them remember.
Last week we learnt how to find half of a shape by folding and this week we are moving onto finding half of an amount. We can tell you facts like 'Half of 6= 3' or 'Half of 10=5'.
Today we introduced our next topic, The Great Fire of London. The children listened beautifully to the story and were fascinated by hearing about London around 400 years ago. Please talk to your child about this amazing part of our history. They should be able to tell you where and how the fire started, who the baker was, who kept a diary of the events, how long the fire burned for, why it spread so quickly and how many people lost their lives.
We also created some actions to go alongside the famous 'London's burning' song.
To Archie's nanny who has knitted Mrs Turner and Mrs Hunt a beautiful scarf each. We absolutely love them and have had so many lovely compliments. What a very talented lady. Thank you so much, here we are wearing them.
A slower Dough Disco to help learn the moves.
All you need is a tub of Playdoh to help your child build up their fine motor skills and muscles in their hands which will inevitably improve their pencil control and letter formation. It's also great fun!
Shonette presents Dough Disco days of the week.
Chase Santa Claus as he flies away in his sleigh in this fun play dough disco song designed to develop fine motor control and coordination - get young kids ready for writing! This is an easy to follow playdough disco routine which will put little ones into the Christmas mood!
We have been learning all about the multiples of 2. We have been practising counting up in steps of 2. Please help us by practising this song at home.
We have been learning about multiples of five and have been practising counting on and back in fives. Please practise at home with us.
We have been learning about multiples of 10 and counting on and back in tens. Please practise at home with us.
We need to learn this song ready for the Christmas Sing-a-long with parents next week. Please help us to practise at home.
And this rather tricky one please!
Huge congratulations to Evelyn who is the first person in 1T to earn a place at Mrs Phillips' Golden Tea Party.
Mrs Turner did exactly as Max told her and moved Evelyn straight to GOLD- she definitely deserves it. Keep up the good work!
Mary is the first person in our class to receive her reading badge for earning ten stickers on the class reading rocket. Big well done Mary, you are a fabulous example to the rest of our class. Here she is proudly wearing her badge.
And now the next three children have received their reading badges too! Well done Amira, Spencer and Laiba. Keep up all the good work. I wonder who will be the fifth person to earn theirs?
Last week, Year 1 walked over to the community centre in Hatfield Road and very kindly decorated the Christmas tree with homemade decorations for all of the people who use the hall. Lots of our parents came to watch and we sang them some beautiful Christmas songs too. Thank you to everybody who came and look how beautiful the tree looks now.
1T successfully followed the recipe to make fairy cakes so that they could write out the instructions for Mrs Turner's children who had to make cakes for their school cake sale. Mrs Turner is not a good cook!
An amazing magical, Christmassy tale written by Tom Fletcher (from McFly). This will definitely test the children's reading stamina whilst getting them into the festive spirit.A definite favourite with my own children and my last class too.
Some tickets still available if anybody would like a fun day out over the holidays.