Moving on up!
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Hi everyone!
In today's English session, we would like you to think of all of your best memories from being in year 2. You can use your 'My school year memory page' from yesterday to help you. Once you have done that, write another section for your leaflet about the parts of your school day you enjoy the most.
The two times table is what you will be learning in your maths session today. You will see calculations written slightly differently so make sure you read them carefully. Before you begin, have ready your the worksheet from below a pencil and some paper. To access the session follow the link.
Log on to Purple Mash for chapter 3 of this week's book. You will also find the comprehension task for you to complete.
Yesterday, you explored the story of 'The Cautious Caterpillar'. You thought about what was causing Cody the caterpillar to be worried about becoming a butterfly and flying. After that, you reflected on how you feel about the change you will experience when you start again in September in a new year group and classroom. Today, you will be starting to think about what you would like your new teacher to know about you and what you would like to achieve next year. Complete the passport from below and keep it safe so that you can give it to your teacher in September.
Have a wonderful day learning!
Fun in the sun
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Good morning everybody!
We hope you are enjoying making your leaflets about enjoying the sun safely. Today, we would like you to think about road safety. Follow the slides on the PowerPoint to learn how you can be safe on the road. Once you have finished write a new section for your leaflet about road safety.
In maths today you will be solving word problems involving length. Read each question carefully before you answer them. You will need the link and worksheet below for this session.
On Purple Mash you will find chapter 3 of this week's book along with the comprehension activity. Log on to complete.
Choose another (different) design to create a second aeroplane. Once you have made it, take both (this one and the one from yesterday) outside. Fly them both. Which goes flies the furthest? Think of reasons why this happened. Could it be something to do with the design? If so, what?
In the summer, many people go on holiday to different destinations around the world. Today you get to do the same (kind of)! Follow the slides to go on a virtual holiday to a range of different countries. Talk about what you can see and the similarities and differences to England.
Today's story from around the world is from India. Click on the link within the PowerPoint to watch and listen. Can you locate India on the world map?
Have a great day everyone!
Find your brave
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Hello everyone,
Today, in English we would like you to work on identifying different sentence types. For each sentence you have to decide whether to use a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end. Follow the link to access the lesson and have your pencil and some paper ready.
In maths, we would like you to work on measuring length. Click on the link to access the session. You will need the worksheet from below which could be printed or copied by hand.
Login into Purple Mash for the third chapter and activities for this week's book.
Beegu is in need of a friend. Can you design a friend for her? Have a look at some of the examples on the PowerPoint. Once you have designed it, have a go at making it. Don't worry if you don't have clay at home. You can use playdough instead. With the help of an adult, follow the recipe to make your own playdough.
If you haven't already done so, paint and decorate the rocket you designed and started to make on Monday. Don't forget to post pictures of your creations on our class blog. We look forward to seeing it!
Have a great day everybody!
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Good morning, everyone! We hope you are enjoying the wonderful sun.
The session for English today is about identifying the features of a setting description. Last week, you looked at a character description and learnt the features for that. You will need some of that learning because it can also be used for a setting description. Click on the link to access the session and have your pencil and paper ready before you start.
Yesterday in maths you worked on recognising what a third is. Today you will work on finding a third of different amounts. The lesson you need, once you have clicked on the link, is 'Week 2 - Lesson 3 - Find a third'. You will find the worksheet below which you will need for this session.
Follow 'Day 3' from the D.T. PowerPoint to finish making your superhero shield. If you have already drawn and made puppets for at least 4 or more characters from the art PowerPoint, you can plan out a scene using the storyboard. Think of the how the scene will start and the order of what will happen.
On Purple Mash, you will find your reading task for today. Remember you can also upload pictures of any work you have completed.
Have a successful day at home.
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good morning everyone,
English for today continues on from yesterday's lesson about using the text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' to make inferences. Click on the link and remember to pause it when you need to.
For your maths session, you have 4 questions to get your brain warmed up which are on the PowerPoint 'Wednesday Maths: Recognise a half'. You will then need to access the learning by either clicking the link below or copying the link into your web browser. Select 'Week 1 - Lesson 2 - Recognise a half'. You will need the worksheet before you begin so remember to either print it out or copy it out by hand.
For your reading comprehension task, log on to Purple Mash.
Now that you have designed your sun catcher (from yesterday's session), you get to make it. Follow the slide for 'Day 2' from the PowerPoint.
Being away from school for such a long time has meant that you have not got to spend time with your friends. Remembering our friendship skills is still important for us to do. This is what the session 'HUK Back 2 School - Wednesday' PowerPoint is about. There is a link on one of the slides to a video which shows you how to make a paper chain of people. The idea is that once you have made the chain, you can decorate each person with a friendship skill.
Have a lovely, enjoyable day.
Good morning everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the learning so far.
Today, in your English lesson you will learn the skill of finding the meaning of words from the text you looked at in the previous session, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman. Remember you need a pencil and some paper before you begin. Click on the link and select the tab 'Start lesson'.
Yesterday in your maths lesson you compared numbers to identify which are greater in value by looking at the tens and ones and by using the symbol for 'more than'. Today, you will be comparing numbers to find which are smaller in value by looking at the value of the tens again and ones and by using the mathematical symbol for 'less than'. There is also challenge for you to complete.
The art lesson for today is about thinking about the children who you may be missing and how you can reach out to them. The children or adults who you may be missing may be at home or in school. What we want you to do is either print or draw your own heart and write a kind message for that person you are missing within it.
There is also a daily reading activity for you to complete on Purple Mash.
Don't forget, you can upload pictures of any work you complete on our class blog. Can't wait to see your work, especially your artwork!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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