In Green Class we have been learning about lots of different things. During our Letters and Sounds lessons we have been working on saying the initial sound of different objects and have even started to learn some sounds! In Mathematics we have been looking at counting accurately, number recognition to 10, patterns and 2D shapes and their properties. Green Class love to spend time exploring the Outdoor Classroom whizzing around on the bikes and scooters, building cars in the construction area, performing shows on the stage and investigating bugs using magnifying glasses. In Red Room we love role playing in the Upstairs House making cakes and dinner for our friends. In Green Class it is a safe place to learn and try new activities. There is always something exciting to do with my friends. We always try our best and follow our Golden Rules.
We then decided to make our own bread rolls. First we mixed the ingredients altogether
- Flour
- Oil
- Yeast
- Sugar
- Salt
Some of the words we used to describe the pumpkin were:
- slimy
- gooey
- squidgy
- wet
- looks like hair
In Maths we have been learning about addition. We had cubes on a tray which we shook until there were cubes on either side of the line. We then counted the first group of cubes and put that number in our head, after we counted on the second group of cubes to find the total. We then wrote the number sentence.
In Discovery we carried out 2 ice experiments. The first one we observed a frozen water balloon and what happened to it when we left it in the classroom. Some of the children's responses were:
- It will be cold
- The water will turn into ice
- If you put hot water on the ice it will melt back to water
For our second experiment we had 2 ice water balloons but this time we added salt and food colouring. Some of the children's responses were:
- It sounds like it is fizzing
- It feels bumpy from the salt
- It will turn red and be hard because it has been in the freezer
Whilst adding the salt the ice balloon broke in half and went pop!
Our new topic is learning about the Farm. We have been looking at non-fiction books and watching videos to find out facts about the farm. We know that a non-fiction book is special as it has a contents page so you don't have to read the whole book. Here are some of the facts we have learnt:
- A girl pig is called a sow
- A boy pig is called a boar
- A baby pig is called a piglet
- Pigs have 44 teeth
- Pigs can't sweat so they roll in the mud to cool down
- A girl sheep is called a ewe
- A boy sheep is called a ram
- A baby sheep is called a lamb
- Sheep's wool is used to make clothes and carpets
- Little Portland lambs are born with orange wool
We were able to ask the farmer many more of our questions and meet some of the animals we have been learning about.